dear the girl with the southern accent at the coffee shop,
thanks for making people watching and eavesdropping on a thursday evening more interesting. the combination of your crazy family stories and accent made my night. thank you.
dear mags,
i'm so glad i got the chance to close down the coffee shop with you, not once, but twice last week. i miss chatting with you. love you.
dear karina,
you are honestly the most beautiful newborn baby i've ever seen. and such a sweet personality already. trust me when i say you have an amazing and cool mom.
dear rachel,
so glad we could finally get together for brunch. good luck on all of those grad school applications. they are a pain, but definitely worth it.
dear cwtv.com,
why won't your video player work for any show i actually want to watch. you're making it very difficult to catch up on my shows. and costing me money.
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