dear maggie & patrick.
i'm so glad i got to spend a great weekend with you. it was so much fun, i wish you didn't live all the way on the east coast. i will miss you a ton and can't wait to see you again.
dear the nook.
your coffee is strong, your hummus plate delicious and your atmosphere the perfect cross of cozy and edgy. you will be seeing me again very soon.
dear madison girls.
thanks for an amazing night out at our old college haunts. also, and even more, thank you for showing me that while i miss the undergrad lifestyle, it is much better left in the past.
dear craig.
i'm glad we got a chance to hang out during your leave. enjoy your time in north carolina and be safe in iraq.
dear agatha christie.
you write amazing mysteries full of surprising twists and interesting characters. and one day, i will solve a murder before hercule poirot.
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