zeitoun by dave eggers. about a syrian-american who waits out hurricane katrina in his new orleans home. after the hurricane, zeitoun paddles around the flooded city, helping neighbors and saving abandoned dogs. later, he is arrested by guards accusing him of being al queda. {that's as far as i've gotten so far, but read the new york times review}
true grit. it's an amazing movie with a fantastic cast. this little girl, hailee steinfeld, is crazy good.
listening to...
wilco. non-stop. and wishing that i could go see them in concert during their next tour, but unfortunately the closest concert is in new orleans so that won't be possible. frontman jeff tweedy is also going on a solo tour, but the madison, wisc. tickets are sold out. bummer.
thinking about...
my best friends from college and i live in eight different states {wisconsin, illinois, minnesota, missouri, south carolina, tennessee, iowa and washington d.c., which counts as a state for this purpose}
i shared so many great times with them in college, it's sad not being near them anymore. i guess i've been spoiled in that i've never lived too far away from good friend and family. i never had to go more than a month without seeing ones i love, but now i only see some once or twice a year.
{image via weheartit}
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