a little more golf
New York Pop Ups

scoops ice cream
Riot Fest

Riot Fest, Chicago’s punk festival, announced the lineup a few days ago and I’m really excited about it. There are a few band I’d like to see {Descendents, Suicide Machines, Down by Law, The Copyrights}, but I especially want to see the headliner Weezer. I’ve been a Weezer fan since they were singing about sweaters and Buddy Holly, but I’ve never seen them in concert. That’s a shame. I think it’d be an amazing show. Plus, I’d really like to see the man who sparked my attraction for men in glasses {Rivers Cuomo}.
Riot Fest bands will perform on stages across Chicago {including the Congress, Bottom Lounge, Double Door, Cobra Lounge, and the AAA Lounge} from October 5 – 9. Tickets went on sale on Friday, so I better get a couple friends together and a couple tickets soon.
July 4th treats

A day with Carson and Adelyn
Listening to…
The new Death Cab for Cutie album Codes and Keys. I like it so far, but it usually takes a few times through the album before I can make a true decision about it. But, considering the bad, I’m sure I’ll love it.
Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda. I haven’t had much time to read lately so I’ve been working on this one for a lot longer than I typically take, which is sad because I enjoy it. {It is about…} It’s a good mix for me: a fictional story set in India. I’ve been trying to read more fiction books lately and am extremely interested in Indian culture. It’s an interesting story so far and a clever writing style that makes it easy and enjoyable to read.
NCIS. My friend and family have been addicted to this show and trying to get me to watch it for years. The thing is I don’t really watch TV. I haven’t had cable in years because the only shows I really MUST WATCH are football, baseball and hockey games. And, for the most part, those can be watched on standard cable… or at a bar with a good beer in hand. I did give in though and borrowed the first seven seasons of NCIS. And I’m already in the seventh! I would tell you the short amount of time I’ve been watching these for, but it’s quite embarrassing. It is a really good crime, suspense show. My favorite part is the characters- an aspect of shows that usually bugs me- but not one is annoying or the center of the show. My friend and I do disagree on the best, most handsome character though. I choose Tim McGee, she chooses Tony DiNozzo. Watch and choose for yourself.
Thinking about...
How we finally got our spring weather... in the middle of June. I'm over spring, bring on summer.
My favorite thing about summer? Baseball.
10 things that made my week
- Former coworkers coming back to visit
- Meeting new people and making new friends
- Madison Mallards baseball games
- Catching up with old friends over ice cream
- Spending my afternoons outside
- Picking up a few new books I’ve been dying to read
- Trying new micro-brews {all were delicious!}
- Singing along with Tim McGraw at his concert
- Spending a lazy day golfing
- Farmers’ market vegetables and treats
Little bit of country

Last night, my friends and I went to a {surprise and free!} Tim McGraw concert at the Marcus Amphitheater on the Summerfest grounds in Milwaukee. I had listened to Tim McGraw a lot during a country-streak in my college years, but not so much lately, but I was still excited for the experience. To me, Tim always seemed like a big-kid during interviews and such. His personality definitely came out. He seemed to really enjoy himself onstage, signing autographs and giving high-fives, making the concert more enjoyable for everyone else. He sang a few of my old time favorites at the beginning: “Where the green grass grows,” “BBQ stain” and “Back when.” But most of his show was newer songs, most of which I didn’t know, unfortunately. At one point, we were all worried when he waved by and left stage, but he quickly came back out to sing “Live like you were dying.” The only downfall of the concert, besides the rainfall: he didn’t sing “Don’t take the girl,” a personal favorite of mine. But overall, it was a really fun concert and I’m glad we could make it.
So basically, what I’m saying is I need to pick up a cowboy hat and a few new Tim McGraw albums.
{image via indyconcerts}
Happy Weekend

Usually at this point of the week I’m sitting at work dying for 3pm to come around and for my weekend to start. Not today. Today I’m off so my weekend started last night. Yay! I’m glad to have some time off before the craziness of this weekend though, I’m going to need a bit of rest. Last night, my friends and I spent the night watching Tim McGraw on stage; tonight, I’m tailgating with about 50 others for the Brewers/Twins game at Miller Park {Go Brewers!}; tomorrow, I’m spending the entire day with my cousin’s 1 year old daughter and 3 year old son; and Sunday, a little work and a little golf. I’m really excited for this weekend, but I’m already tired just thinking about it!
Hope you all have great weekends!
{image via weheartit}
just little things