
a little thankful list.

happy thanksgiving! today is the day we're supposed to take a minute and think of all the things we're thankful for {most of which we take for granted every other day of the year}. i am thankful for so much and am sad that i don't acknowledge it more throughout the year. i'm so wrapped up in what needs to be done, what i need, what i want, that i don't take enough time to simply be thankful for what i already have. 

so here's my little random list of things i'm thankful for...

cat naps {or in this case, puppy}
good coffee {the only way to wake up in the morning} 
my friends & family {who are always so supportive and encouraging}
a warm home to come home to every day
ice cream
mini vacations with friends
sunshiney days
books you can't put down
christmas lights
pumpkin pie
news podcasts
cuddly cats {even if i am allergic}
phone calls with friends
a job i love going to every day {well, most days}
my warm bed

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