My friend Matt, a die-hard Brewers fan, wanted to put together a nice tailgate with friends. He ended up with over 60 tickets and a 15+ car caravan. We took over a huge section of the preferred parking lot next to the sausage house. {Which, if you ever seriously tailgated, you know proximity to the bathrooms is incredibly important.} It was a perfect place to spread out, grill and relax with friends. And the game was also good. Too bad they lost though. {I even wore a Brewers cap... I'm a Cubs fan so this is HUGE.}

The best part of the tail gate? The games. We had ladders, bag toss, beer pong, a giant game of jenga and even a pool table. {I know, right? Pool at a baseball game, crazy.} I didn’t get a chance to play pool though and I regret that, because really, when’s that going to happen again.
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